The overall goal of the Stories Behind the Stars initiative is to compile the stories of all 400,000+ US World War II fallen in one free-to-access online location (Fold3). We will have a smartphone app that will allow anyone to scan the name of a fallen at any war memorial or cemetery and immediately get a link to read his/her story.
These stories are all being written by volunteers as a way to remember and thank these heroes who paid the ultimate price for our freedoms. People from every state and even some foreign countries will participate.
To show that this ambitious project is doable, we are starting off with a pilot in Utah to write the stories of 2,020 Utah World War II fallen by the end of 2020. The more help we get, the easier it will be to finish.
When the Utah project is completed, we can approach those from other states who share this vision to complete all the stories from their state too, until all 400,000+ stories are told.
It costs nothing to join, takes less time to research and write a story than to watch a TV show, and it's a meaningful and important mission. To find out how to start, visit: https://www.storiesbehindthestars.org/volunteer