A message from another WWII remembrance organization that supports the mission of Stories Behind the Stars:
This year, the world will mark the 80th anniversary of D-Day. On June 6, the Eisenhower Foundation will commemorate this occasion with the D-Day+80 Years event in Abilene, Kansas, hometown and final resting place of Dwight D. Eisenhower.
The D-Day+80 Years Commemoration event will include a Meet a World War II Veteran Reception, remembrance ceremony, free admission to the Eisenhower Presidential Museum, speakers, a World War II Veterans panel, military reenactors, hands-on education programs, and more. This event is open to the public and completely free.
As a partner organization with a mutual interest in preserving the stories of World War II veterans, it would be much appreciated if you would share this information with your community.
For more information, or to register a veteran to attend, please contact Lisa Kijowski, Ike’s Soldiers Specialist, at 785-263-6771. Thank you.
Lisa Kijowski
Ike’s Soldiers Specialist
