Volunteers from the non profit initiative Stories Behind the Stars have written stories of all of the World War II fallen buried at Arlington National Cemetery.
These stories are being saved to a freely accessible database on Fold3. You can access any and all of these stories.You can also add additional words into the Fold3 search box to find specific names, states, units, etc.
More than 200 volunteers were responsible for identifying the fallen and / or researching, and writing these stories.
All but one of the WWII fallen names are from 50 sections in the cemetery (the other sections have no WWII fallen).
Our volunteers first completed work on 39 of these sections for a total of 1,562 stories.
Our volunteers next worked on names from six sections (4, 11, 13, 17, 19, 20) that total 847 stories.
After that they worked on 1,214 names from three sections (3, 8, and 18).
The last two sections (12 and 34) had the most names - a total of 5,151. More details here and here.
All 8,774 stories are accessible for free by using the Find A Grave smartphone app so they can be read at gravesites. Just type in the name of the WWII fallen, scroll down and you will find a link to the Fold3 story. Example here.